Is your medical claims capture and keying system ready for ICD-10?

Health insurance companies and their contracted BPOs are diligently working to identify, plan and implement changes to their systems and processes to handle the upcoming switchover to ICD-10 coding. AliusDoc’s AD-MedClaims has been ICD-10 ready (including processing of the CMS1500 2014 version) for over 2 years.

AliusDoc Announces latest upgrade to the AD-SCI™ solution

Waltham, MA. – This major release of AD-SCI™ includes multiple new features, as well as improves on the overall accuracy, ease of installation, setup, integration, and speed of operations. “Many of these features are a direct result of suggestions from customers.” said Paul Traite, AliusDoc’s CTO. “Customers have the best view of those features, which help to quickly go from idea to high accuracy production. By listening and responding to these needs, AliusDoc delivers the most meaningful features in the most efficient way.”